Tree and woodland management


For all your tree management needs

Arboricultural specialists

We have a growing team of experienced arboricultural consultants, who have long and proven track records in delivering successful outcomes for our clients. We can carry out tree risk assessments, inspections, and reports, all of which identify any issues our clients may have with the trees they are responsible for. Not only can we help you with all of your large project needs, but we can help you manage tree-related risk and also work to ensure that our valuable trees are looked after and preserved for future generations.

We have offices throughout the UK, which means we can respond quickly and flexibly to your arboriculture needs and build great working relationships.

Our extensive arboriculture expertise is complemented by working with the latest digital and technical equipment, meaning we deliver efficient and cost-effective results for all your tree and woodland management needs.

Our arboriculture services

BS5837: 2012 tree surveys

Arboricultural Impact Assessments

Arboricultural Method Statement & Tree Protection Plans

We provide full BS5837 surveys to support all types of planning applications from outline to full planning, and post-consent condition discharge. We will work with you to review the impact of specific development proposals on existing trees and will provide construction/arboricultural methodology to safeguard trees that need to be retained. In order to assist you with the planning process and help you get the permission you require, we can produce tree surveys, Arboricultural Impact Assessments, and Arboricultural Method Statements.


Arboricultural Clerk of Works

We provide full support and guidance during the onsite construction stage in the form of detailed advice, onsite set up and watching briefs for all tree related issues. We also offer guidance and advice around Tree Preservation Orders including contesting new orders and preparing pruning schedules.

Duty of Care tree surveys

If you own property and have trees on that property, you have a duty of care to have your trees professionally inspected on a regular basis. Our team of experienced tree surveyors offer bespoke tree surveys and are able to deliver these through several different methodologies, including QTRA, VALID and VTA.

EIA chapters and input

We provide standalone woodland and tree EIA chapters or we can input into design teams to guide the production of related chapters.

Woodland Management Plans & advice

As experienced woodland managers we can work with you to produce woodland management plans, felling licence applications, and restocking schemes.

New planting scheme design

Working closely with our ecology and landscape departments we can produce detailed schedules for compensatory planting schemes required to discharge related planning conditions.

Local Authority secondment services

Our experienced former public sector Tree Officers can offer help and support to LPA teams to provide tree officer roles and cover.

Subsidence & trees

We provide support to home owners and insurers in situations where trees are linked to property damage.

Trees at Allt Mhuic hydro scheme