Landscape Design Concept, Strategy and Masterplan
Landscape Concept/Strategy: We produce high-level hard and soft landscape plans to create a strategic vision for a site without committing to details. This is useful during the early stages of a project and provides valuable input into the next stage of masterplanning.
Landscape Masterplan: Our masterplanning service creates an overview of the site landscape proposals and defines the design language that will be used to guide individual scheme elements.
Landscape Character Assessment
We can produce Landscape Character Assessments (LCA) and update existing assessments, and we produce robust assessments at a range of scales. We map and describe Landscape Character Types and Areas to identify and explain the combination of elements and features that distinguish landscapes from one another.
Landscape Survey/Appraisal
Our landscape surveys provide observation, analysis and interpretation of the landscape to assist with site layout proposals. The appraisals identify the opportunities and constraints of a site.
Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment
We have extensive experience in predicting and analysing landscapes and visual impacts. Through consultation with statutory and non-statutory stakeholders, comprehensive desk and field surveys, and impact evaluation using the latest computer software techniques, we assist in finding solutions and developing mitigation techniques to minimise impacts for clients.
We understand and assess the landscape to consider development impacts, effects of climate change and provide mitigation solutions.
We can provide standalone LVIA reports or work collaboratively with other disciplines to produce them as a chapter within an Environmental Statement (ES).
Hard and Soft Landscape and Environmental Design
We provide hard and soft landscape designs from project inception to completion. Our detailed design package includes hard and soft landscape detailed designs including planting plans and technical construction details. We are adept at working within multidisciplinary teams to share information and achieve a holistic design solution.
BNG Landscape Proposals and Habitat Enhancement Plans
We work closely with our ecology and habitat teams to produce landscape proposals that address the necessary BNG targets as well as developing proposals that include habitat enhancements that can be delivered on site.
Landscape Tendering
We produce landscape production information including tender drawings (plans and details), NBS (Chorus) specification and Bills of Quantities. We manage the tender process to find and secure suitable landscape contractors and act as contract administrator for forms of agreement.
Landscape Management Plan/ Landscape and Ecological Management Plan
We produce Management Plans to suit a range of applications for both commercial and conservation projects. We are supported by our in-house teams to produce integrated, multi-purpose management plans with a focus on sustainability, and that are respectful of climate change.
Landscape Contract Administration
Our landscape contract administration services include budgetary cost estimating, tender preparation, and contract management duties. This includes ensuring completed work is fit for purpose and long-term management is fulfilled through site meetings and audits.
During the early stages of the design process, our landscape team will collaborate with the ecologist to establish opportunities for planting and the best outcome on site for BNG. In addition, we work with ecologists to periodically check and update the approved landscape details with the onsite establishment of the planting.
Site Audits
Our site audit service involves a site visit to assess the progress of the implemented landscape scheme. We take photographic evidence, produce a site audit report and marked up drawings to identify areas where the design has not been implemented on site in accordance with the approved specifications. Where we are not acting as contract administrator this helps ensure our clients obtain value for money from the contractor and deliver the scheme in accordance with the approved drawings.